Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Dear God,

I seem to be feeling better.  I'm trying to take my medication daily.  Physically I'm not having so many headaches and my abdominal region is better.  Maybe some of it has been stress.  Or maybe some of it was the big kidney stone.  In either case, I'm grateful to You that I'm feeling better.

It's time to go for a walk.  That's what I keep hearing in my head.  I'd rather go for a ride.  I hate walking.  It hurts my back.  I'll make some adjustments to my bike and take it for a pedal.

Please help me to focus on You today.  I have a couple of note cards to mail.  I see Cookie waiting for the person who drives by and honks hello to her.  I pray they come soon.  If not, I pray she still feels your love.

I need to let go of DirecTV.  It's been fun and was affordable.  But now with the price doubling I just can't do it.  Maybe I should be without TV for a little while.  I don't want to become addicted to it.  I really did enjoy watching the Olympics!!  Thank you!

Off I go to another day.  I'm trying to get information about an online university.  Please direct my path.

I love you!
Your daughter,
Amy Kathleen